Our little apartment now has the presence of a furbaby!! My 4 year-old chihuahua, Kiwi, has come to live with us. When we moved, I didnt feel that it was right to take her (or my other chihuahua, Gypsy) because my mom has become extremely attached to them both. They are apart of her daily routine and I felt that she needed them. Over the past year, my mom has overcome Breast Cancer. There were days when the dogs were what got her out of bed and moving on day to day. Thankfully, she is in good health now and doing well. The chi-chis, however are now extremely possessive of her and constantly fighting with each other. Lately, they've been drawing blood and she couldnt bare to see them like that. Since neither of them are aggressive toward people, we opted to take one of them and let the other one stay. We considered every pro and con for who to take and who to leave. The obvious choice was to take Gypsy because shes younger and hyper whereas Kiwi is a little older and set in her ways. She prefers to sleep 18-20 hours a day. ;) But Kiwi is better apartment oriented because shes small and doesnt feel a need to run around outside. At my mom's, Gypsy has a fenced in back yard that she loves. So we decided on Kiwi. Our little baby is now asleep between us in our bed. =)
Today is our One year Anniversary!! We kept our celebrations low-key since bills are right around the corner. Thats fine by me because "night-in" dates our my favorites. We just grilled some chicken and are gonna watch some movies. Yay!!
For my english class, I have to write a research paper about a political issue that is timely and is important to me. I chose Equality for Gay and Lesbian Americans. duh.. =) I want my main points to be marriage, adoption/fostering, and serving in the military. I plan to show the hoops we have to jump through to have children and legally be prepared if we live in a state where gay marriage is banned. I have asked several follow bloggers to share with me their story about the families. Please feel free to share your opinions or ideas. This is a very important issue to me because its something I worry about. Im so afraid that if something ever happens to me, Jessica will have to fight to keep the kids we will have and everything we'll own. Not that I think, either of our families would do anything like that. But I still worry. All my life, I have wanted to adopt and foster children. I know that we will be great mommies and that we will provide a loving and stable home to our children and any children that might live with us. I just dont beleive my love for a woman will effect the way we raise our children. There are so many kids that need a home to feel safe and loved that it shouldnt matter if its a Mom/Dad, 2 Mom, 2 Dad or single parent household. All that should matter is the quality of life that child will have. So much to say and so little time to say it. The paper is due next Aug 4th. Any opinions would be great!!