Monday, October 25, 2010

>Trick or Treat! :)

This may be the cutest pic-- I've ever seen!! :)

Although, I couldnt get a single picture with

them both looking at the camera,

they were amazing at staying

somewhat still.

Kiwi knows to stay put (especially when I have a camera)

But Mango...

is still a baby.

And he NEVER sits still.


It was worth the money spent on sweaters and then 3 pumpkins

just for this pic!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

>Pet Stroller? ;)

After the breast cancer walk this morning,

we decided that we need to purchase a pet stroller.

We always want to take our babies on these types of walks

or even just to Pride.

But theres no way their little legs can make 3 miles.

Plus, with 15,000 people theres no way

to protect them from being trampled.

We seen so many people with pet strollers for little dogs.

Those little dogs were so happy to be along

for the ride.

I just wonder how long it would take to get

Kiwi & Mango comfortable in the stroller to

sit down instead of trying to get out.

We dont put them in bags or purses.

So this may be really hard, but I think it would be so worth it.

We took Mango to a festival not to long ago,

he loved it!!

But he couldnt walk very long without getting tired.

So we just had to suck it up and carry him.

A stroller would have been awesome!

Something to think about?

Friday, October 22, 2010

>Tomorrow 10.23.10

We are walking with my mom, my aunt, niece,
little cousin and all my mom's

friends and co-workers, for BREAST CANCER!!!

My mom is a 2 year survivor!!

We are walking for her

"Winky Boob"

as we affectionately call her post-cancer boob.


Its a small way to make light of an extremely scary and painful time

in her life.

Well, all our lives.

My tattoo for Mom.

Her tattoo on her wrist.

that she said,

"Hurt worse than having 2 babies and breast cancer and the two cancer surgeries"

shes a bit dramatic. :D


On another note...

Tomorrow is also the day my daddy passed away from lung cancer, 15 years ago when I was 9.

I was so young that I dont remember much of him.

I remember little things like riding go-karts with him

every other weekend. (my parents divorced when I was 3).

He always made steak and baked potatoes for dinner

and a BIG breakfast on sunday mornings.

Anyone that knows me,

knows that the way to my heart is through breakfast.

I am NOT a morning person by any means.


If you offer breakfast

I'll be your best friend ;)

It has been said by many family members

that if you told me while I was asleep that you were

going to McDonalds or somewhere,

I would immediately say something like
"I want a number 3 with a Dr. Pepper"

I dont know what these people are talking about.


Not much as changed in 15 years..

I still ALWAYS want breakfast!!

I have always had one song that I have dedicated to him

and even have a tattoo on my back for the song and him.

Offspring's "Gone Away"

(I believe I have posted about this before)

But the past few days, I've been stuck on

Reba McEntire's "The Greatest Man I Never Knew"

I think its just the title, really.

Not so much the lyrics.

Except the part that says

"The greatest man I thought could never die, has been dead almost a year"

Daddy's little girl

"Gone Away" Tattoo.

Us at Disney World when I was 2.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

>Spirit Day 10.20.10


In honor of the suicide victims,

we are wearing are purple.

Purple (Violet) in the gay flag means spirit.

We wear purple to raise awareness against anti-gay bullying.

And to let the kids know that


"It Gets Better"

Thursday, October 14, 2010

>Date Night at the Fair!

We went to the Fair tonight and had so much fun.

Although, the older I get, the more the rides have started making me sick!

I used to ride all the spinning rides over and over and over again.

But now, I have to ride them in moderation

and hope I dont feel sick!

After we rode the Tornado (my fav!) I was sooooo sick...

and had a headache.

Im already extremely nervous about the rides and only ride a select few,

it sucks that now Im even more limited!

Jess loves all the rides and ends up riding most of them alone.

Thank God she doesnt mind.

We did get to eat greasy fair food which is always fun ;)

Fried Pickles, Caramel Apples and Cotton Candy!!


Sunday, October 10, 2010

>This Weekend is...

Too bad we both have to work and we're missing it!!!

Happy Pride!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

>A Nose In Need...

Deserves Puffs Indeed...

I'm sick.

I feel awful..


My mommy is coming for a visit tonight! :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

>Im Obsessed!! :)

This is my newest obsession.

I had plan to buy the cheapest ipod I could find, even thought about a refurbished one.

But EVERYONE said this was definately worth the money.

Yea, Right. I dont think any electronic is worth $250.

I was wrong.



Im in love.