Thursday, November 25, 2010

>Thanksgiving 2010

I am thankful for a wonderful family and a loving girlfriend to share

the holidays and everyday with.

We had Thanksgiving with my mom this past Sunday

because she has to work today.

So today, we made our first Thanksgiving just us.

We made a turkey, homemade mashed potatoes,

homemade mac & cheese,

green bean casserole,

and dressing from Publix ;)

We didnt even wanna try to make our on dressing.

We got yummy pecan pie and pumpkin pie for dessert!!

Happy Thankgiving!

Monday, October 25, 2010

>Trick or Treat! :)

This may be the cutest pic-- I've ever seen!! :)

Although, I couldnt get a single picture with

them both looking at the camera,

they were amazing at staying

somewhat still.

Kiwi knows to stay put (especially when I have a camera)

But Mango...

is still a baby.

And he NEVER sits still.


It was worth the money spent on sweaters and then 3 pumpkins

just for this pic!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

>Pet Stroller? ;)

After the breast cancer walk this morning,

we decided that we need to purchase a pet stroller.

We always want to take our babies on these types of walks

or even just to Pride.

But theres no way their little legs can make 3 miles.

Plus, with 15,000 people theres no way

to protect them from being trampled.

We seen so many people with pet strollers for little dogs.

Those little dogs were so happy to be along

for the ride.

I just wonder how long it would take to get

Kiwi & Mango comfortable in the stroller to

sit down instead of trying to get out.

We dont put them in bags or purses.

So this may be really hard, but I think it would be so worth it.

We took Mango to a festival not to long ago,

he loved it!!

But he couldnt walk very long without getting tired.

So we just had to suck it up and carry him.

A stroller would have been awesome!

Something to think about?

Friday, October 22, 2010

>Tomorrow 10.23.10

We are walking with my mom, my aunt, niece,
little cousin and all my mom's

friends and co-workers, for BREAST CANCER!!!

My mom is a 2 year survivor!!

We are walking for her

"Winky Boob"

as we affectionately call her post-cancer boob.


Its a small way to make light of an extremely scary and painful time

in her life.

Well, all our lives.

My tattoo for Mom.

Her tattoo on her wrist.

that she said,

"Hurt worse than having 2 babies and breast cancer and the two cancer surgeries"

shes a bit dramatic. :D


On another note...

Tomorrow is also the day my daddy passed away from lung cancer, 15 years ago when I was 9.

I was so young that I dont remember much of him.

I remember little things like riding go-karts with him

every other weekend. (my parents divorced when I was 3).

He always made steak and baked potatoes for dinner

and a BIG breakfast on sunday mornings.

Anyone that knows me,

knows that the way to my heart is through breakfast.

I am NOT a morning person by any means.


If you offer breakfast

I'll be your best friend ;)

It has been said by many family members

that if you told me while I was asleep that you were

going to McDonalds or somewhere,

I would immediately say something like
"I want a number 3 with a Dr. Pepper"

I dont know what these people are talking about.


Not much as changed in 15 years..

I still ALWAYS want breakfast!!

I have always had one song that I have dedicated to him

and even have a tattoo on my back for the song and him.

Offspring's "Gone Away"

(I believe I have posted about this before)

But the past few days, I've been stuck on

Reba McEntire's "The Greatest Man I Never Knew"

I think its just the title, really.

Not so much the lyrics.

Except the part that says

"The greatest man I thought could never die, has been dead almost a year"

Daddy's little girl

"Gone Away" Tattoo.

Us at Disney World when I was 2.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

>Spirit Day 10.20.10


In honor of the suicide victims,

we are wearing are purple.

Purple (Violet) in the gay flag means spirit.

We wear purple to raise awareness against anti-gay bullying.

And to let the kids know that


"It Gets Better"

Thursday, October 14, 2010

>Date Night at the Fair!

We went to the Fair tonight and had so much fun.

Although, the older I get, the more the rides have started making me sick!

I used to ride all the spinning rides over and over and over again.

But now, I have to ride them in moderation

and hope I dont feel sick!

After we rode the Tornado (my fav!) I was sooooo sick...

and had a headache.

Im already extremely nervous about the rides and only ride a select few,

it sucks that now Im even more limited!

Jess loves all the rides and ends up riding most of them alone.

Thank God she doesnt mind.

We did get to eat greasy fair food which is always fun ;)

Fried Pickles, Caramel Apples and Cotton Candy!!


Sunday, October 10, 2010

>This Weekend is...

Too bad we both have to work and we're missing it!!!

Happy Pride!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

>A Nose In Need...

Deserves Puffs Indeed...

I'm sick.

I feel awful..


My mommy is coming for a visit tonight! :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

>Im Obsessed!! :)

This is my newest obsession.

I had plan to buy the cheapest ipod I could find, even thought about a refurbished one.

But EVERYONE said this was definately worth the money.

Yea, Right. I dont think any electronic is worth $250.

I was wrong.



Im in love.

Monday, September 27, 2010

>TV Junkie

We looove reality tv. We love the shows about big families.. good thing too, because these days almost every show is about multiples and cupcakes! :) That being said, we have a new favorite.

We love this new show Sister Wives. Im very fascinated by polygamy. Not the controlling, marrying child brides kind, but the ones like this show features. I like the way they function as a whole family, treating everyone like their own. What I really like about this family is 2 of the wives wanted plural marriage even without him. It wasnt something they settled for just to be with him. They wanted sister wives as much as they wanted him. One of them even jokes that at times in her life she may have wanted the sister wives more. haha.
This show seemed to raise alot of concern for other viewers as they didnt see it as a moral or suitable show to be aired on TL.C. Oddly enough TL.C stands for the learning channel. So I would think we are supposed to learn from this show. It may not be the way most people want to raise their children or even marry into. But whether or not you like it, it is what it is. The fact is, some people do live like this and function day to day. People always judge what they dont understand. I dont judge this kind of thing, because its not my place to judge. They are living their lives and raising children to believe in themselves and think for themselves. The way they live isnt hurting anyone, and its not up to anyone to say whether its right or wrong. Anyways, I like the show alot. Christine is my favorite, I think. Shes the domestic one that takes care of the house and kids. I like that :)
We like the show, although we dont believe in it for ourselves. We are strictly monogamous.
More TV blogs to come!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

>Where I was the day the world stopped turning 9-11-2001

On September 11th, 2001, I was in 10th grade in Spanish. I remember teachers coming to the door to tell our teacher what had happened. She checked emails and told us to read to ourselves for a while. We knew it must have been something terrible because everyone in the school was quiet. No one moved. No one spoke. We were finally allowed to change classes and I went to geometry. My geometry teacher was a Christian man, and he cried and prayed all during class. We didn't understand exactly how serious this was at the time. He told if we never remember anything we learned in high school to remember that day and to pay attention as this was history in the making. Our principal made the announcement that "America was under Attack". I was so scared that day, all I wanted was to go home and be with my mom. My mom was working that day and she kept telling everything would be ok and that she would be home soon. But with so many rumors flying around, no one knew exactly what would happened. I grew up relatively close to Atlanta, and out biggest concern was that the Center for Disease Control would be hit next. I watched the news all day. I was actually watching live when the second plane hit the Twin Towers and watched as the crumbled to the ground. We learned that the Pentagon had also been hit and a plane had crashed in a Pennsylvania field. I will Never Forget the horror of that day. I will always remember the courage of all those men and women had that risked their lives that day to save others.

Remember September 11th, 2001

The World Trade Centers, The Pentagon, And Flight 93

Thursday, September 9, 2010

>Happy Birthday Baby!! (9-8-10)

>Yesterday was Jess' 22nd birthday!! I had to work most the day yesterday but we did go out to eat last night. Random story while I was working though: This elderly lady came through my line with a cake for her husband that read "Bake Happy 85th Birthday!!" How awesome is that.. a man also called Bake was celebrating his 85th birthday the same day my Bake was celebrating her 22nd. :) Tooo Cute!!

I hope she had the best birthday ever even though we didnt do much as I was working and she was exhausted from basketball. :)

I love you more than anything else in this world!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

>After the Beach. New Place. New Job.

>We loved the beach. Although it was cloudy most the weekend, we loved being on the beach for the first time together. We played in the ocean a little bit but mostly swam in the pool because the waves were too rough. We had airbrushed tshirts made that say Shell & Bake! And we had the dogs shirts made too!! The night we got back home, my car was broke into :( my portable dvd player & mp3 player was stolen. They didnt take my gps though... thank God for that. And our front door lock was broke. The landlord said he wouold try to get to it in the next week. Plus, the floor boards in the bedroom has been coming straight up in the bedroom... so needless to say.. we moved out. We were terrified to stay in that house and Jess hating leaving me there alone. We decided that sleeping with a baseball bat next to our bed was not worth $600/month. So we moved. And I LOVE THE NEW PLACE AND FEEL SAFE NOW!!!

I started working this week. Feels almost just like it did 2 years ago when I quit. I hate being the new girl though.. people just stare at me. Uh yes im new. thanks for staring. :) Best thing is Im starting back in the customer service position I left in.... pays good too!! :) I hate being away from Jess though. Our schedules are clashing and were missing each other. Guess thats real life... weve been spoiled for 2 years almost always being together.

Its Tuesday.. And our Tuesdays suck.

Missing my love.

Friday, August 27, 2010

>BEACH - Here We Come!!

>Today, we are going on our first vacation to the beach together. I havent been to the beach in 3 years, and Jess hasnt been in 4. Were super excited, and cant wait to do the clique things like walk on the beach at night, get airbrushed tshirts, and write our names in the sand. <3 it! So so so so excited.

Unfortunately, our babies are at grandmas this weekend. I couldnt find a single hotel that would allow our tiny 5 lbs dogs. >=/ Not even with a deposit. So last night, we drove all the way home to my moms at almost 10pm. I miss them something crazy, but I know theyre in good hands. i hate the quiet of the house without little pitter-patter of 8 tiny feet on the floors.

Destination: Beach
ETA: 8 pm

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

>I got the JOB!! :D

>Yes, its official. I'm going back to Publix. I'm excited. But I'm also already dreading the first basketball game I have to miss because of work. I loooove watching Jess play. And this is her last year to play, as shes a senior. Oh well, I suppose a job is more important in the long run.

Tuesdays suck. Jess starts her day running at 6am with the team. Class at 930. Home for a small break. Class 1230-315. Practice at 5. Class 630-915. That's a loooong day. And I miss her so much when shes gone. Then when she finally gets home, shes exhausted. So Tuesdays suck without her. Not to complain too much, but that leaves me with the dogs to walk, alone... all day. Not that walking the dogs is a pain.. but Mango loves to walk and smell and pee and walk and smell and pee. Kiwi prefers to just lay in the grass. the. whole. time. not so cute when its 100 degrees outside and mosquitos are biting me a million a minute. Plus, Mango is extremely needy and tends to whine when were both not within a two feet radius. Its so sad watching him sit at the front door, waiting for her to walk through the door. :(

The best thing about being home alone all day is napping with the chi-chis. Kiwi loves to snuggle. She would sleep all day and all night if we let her. :D Plus, I can watch whatever I want to watch. I dont have to hear HGTV, ESPN, History Channel, DIY, or whatever else Jess likes that I dont. :p

I just read a blog about Fall. And now Im anxiously waiting its arrival. I hate summer as it is... but to read a blog so detailed about the joys of Fall, is now making me insane.

Monday, August 23, 2010

>20 Random Questions About Me!!

>1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
- that im a mess, but no class, and no job at the moment... who cares?!? :)

2. Do you miss anyone right now? nah, my love and fur-babies are right here and we had family here for the weekend.. so im good.

3. If you could move anywhere else, would you? somewhere same-sex marriage is legal. or Destin, Fl. :D

4. If you could choose, what would your last meal be? Fajita Nachos.. yummm!

5. What famous person, dead or alive, would you want to have lunch with? haha the cast of the real L word would be so muchg fun.

6. What was the last book you read? hmm my anatomy book. blah... but for fun probably the lovely bones.

7. What was the last movie you watched? letters to God. AMAZING!!

8. What was the last song you heard? Billy Currington's "Pretty Good at Drinking Beer"

9. What's your dream vacation? Hawaii

10. What is the next trip you'll take? Florida I hope!

11. Did you ever go to camp? yep... on a school field trip.

12. Have you ever been in love? Yes. I am now.

13. What do you want to know about the future? what the hell im gonna do with my life. lol

14. Where is your best friend? next to me... playing tetris on fb lol

15. How is your best friend? shes tired... bball is kicking her ass, already

16. Who is the biggest gossiper you know? hmmm my momma. lol.

17. What does your last text message say? "can u help" from jess.. she was home from the store

18. What are 3 things you've always wanted to do, that you still plan to accomplish? 1. Graduate from college 2. get into a nursing program 3. go back to work

19. What is one thing you've learned from your parents? to always be proud of who i am

20. What is one thing you hope to teach your own children? to love freely and always be proud of who they are.

20 Random Questions About Me!!

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
- that im a mess, but no class, and no job at the moment... who cares?!? :)

2. Do you miss anyone right now? nah, my love and fur-babies are right here and we had family here for the weekend.. so im good.

3. If you could move anywhere else, would you? somewhere same-sex marriage is legal. or Destin, Fl. :D

4. If you could choose, what would your last meal be? Fajita Nachos.. yummm!

5. What famous person, dead or alive, would you want to have lunch with? haha the cast of the real L word would be so muchg fun.

6. What was the last book you read? hmm my anatomy book. blah... but for fun probably the lovely bones.

7. What was the last movie you watched? letters to God. AMAZING!!

8. What was the last song you heard? Billy Currington's "Pretty Good at Drinking Beer"

9. What's your dream vacation? Hawaii

10. What is the next trip you'll take? Florida I hope!

11. Did you ever go to camp? yep... on a school field trip.

12. Have you ever been in love? Yes. I am now.

13. What do you want to know about the future? what the hell im gonna do with my life. lol

14. Where is your best friend? next to me... playing tetris on fb lol

15. How is your best friend? shes tired... bball is kicking her ass, already

16. Who is the biggest gossiper you know? hmmm my momma. lol.

17. What does your last text message say? "can u help" from jess.. she was home from the store

18. What are 3 things you've always wanted to do, that you still plan to accomplish? 1. Graduate from college 2. get into a nursing program 3. go back to work

19. What is one thing you've learned from your parents? to always be proud of who i am

20. What is one thing you hope to teach your own children? to love freely and always be proud of who they are.

Friday, August 20, 2010

>"The Kids Are All Right" Movie Review

>Ok, so the movie finally made to a theatre near us within an hour drive. We were super excited that it was close by and it was the 2nd to last night it would be showing, so needless to say we HAD to go that night! =)

Now, I didnt hold high hopes for the movie since the reviews were bad. But none the less, I felt that this movie about two lesbians made it to the big screeen, so we were obligated to support it. I felt like that story line was a good idea, because its real. I mean its bound to happen in real life. If you use a sperm donor, your kids will probably want to know about him when they get older. However, I HATED that one of the moms cheated. WTF. I have a hard time believing that a lesbian would really cheat with her sperm donor. Plus, it adds more negativity to same-sex marriages, or relationships. Its like thats all people think about us, that we will definately cheat & we will definately cheat with the opposite sex. Of course, when she cheated they showed it, A LOT!! From every angle, to every moan. Blah. And, the one and only time the women had what appeared to be sex, they were watching gay man porn. HELLO! Am I the only lesbian that doesnt watch gay man porn?!?!?!? Ummm.. I dont think so. Anyways, I thought the characters were good and the storyline (aside from the affair) was good as well. However, I think they could have went into more details about their lives and who they are, where they come from, how the kids were raised. Idk, just seems to me that the movie held such potenial and could have done so much for the lesbian community. The couple made it through the affair, which I really liked. Cheating to me, is simiply unforgiveable. BUT! Once youve been together 20 years, with 2 teenagers, its kinda hard to just walk away from everything. Plus, I loved when their son says "I dont think you two should break-up. You're just too old" ahhh classic. :)

All in all, It was alright. Rent it. Laugh. And ignore the affiar. I did. ;)

I think I should add movie reviews to this blog.

"The Kids Are All Right" Movie Review

Ok, so the movie finally made to a theatre near us within an hour drive. We were super excited that it was close by and it was the 2nd to last night it would be showing, so needless to say we HAD to go that night! =)

Now, I didnt hold high hopes for the movie since the reviews were bad. But none the less, I felt that this movie about two lesbians made it to the big screeen, so we were obligated to support it. I felt like that story line was a good idea, because its real. I mean its bound to happen in real life. If you use a sperm donor, your kids will probably want to know about him when they get older. However, I HATED that one of the moms cheated. WTF. I have a hard time believing that a lesbian would really cheat with her sperm donor. Plus, it adds more negativity to same-sex marriages, or relationships. Its like thats all people think about us, that we will definately cheat & we will definately cheat with the opposite sex. Of course, when she cheated they showed it, A LOT!! From every angle, to every moan. Blah. And, the one and only time the women had what appeared to be sex, they were watching gay man porn. HELLO! Am I the only lesbian that doesnt watch gay man porn?!?!?!? Ummm.. I dont think so. Anyways, I thought the characters were good and the storyline (aside from the affair) was good as well. However, I think they could have went into more details about their lives and who they are, where they come from, how the kids were raised. Idk, just seems to me that the movie held such potenial and could have done so much for the lesbian community. The couple made it through the affair, which I really liked. Cheating to me, is simiply unforgiveable. BUT! Once youve been together 20 years, with 2 teenagers, its kinda hard to just walk away from everything. Plus, I loved when their son says "I dont think you two should break-up. You're just too old" ahhh classic. :)

All in all, It was alright. Rent it. Laugh. And ignore the affiar. I did. ;)

I think I should add movie reviews to this blog.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

>Job Interview!

>I gotta job interview on monday!! Woohoo!! Ive been hesitant to fill out an application and go back to Publix(where I worked for 5 years!) but yesterday I went and filled it out. And they called this morning to schedule an interview!! :)
I had planned to sleep in the next several weeks that im out of school, but I guess its meant for me to go back to work!

We'll see on Monday, I guess!

Job Interview!

I gotta job interview on monday!! Woohoo!! Ive been hesitant to fill out an application and go back to Publix(where I worked for 5 years!) but yesterday I went and filled it out. And they called this morning to schedule an interview!! :)
I had planned to sleep in the next several weeks that im out of school, but I guess its meant for me to go back to work!

We'll see on Monday, I guess!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

>Oh Happy day!

>Yesterday, I took my last final for summer quarter. I havent had a break since January, well not a real break. One or two weeks between quarters is not a break. Not to mention, Ive been taking extremely stressful classes. Jess & I, both, finished our anatomy I & II with B's. I'm out of school till mid September. YAY!! =)

Somewhere in the middle of all the stressing, I freaked out about all these sciences and changed my major. I thought maybe nursing just wasnt for me... so I changed it to General. I was going to go for early childhood education, but now that I did well in my anatomy, I feel like I should continue to persue nursing. Ahhh.. decisions. decisions. Nursing is my first passion I think, butnow I'm drawn to teaching. Maybe I'll just take classes for both, then I can apply to both programs. Then I can teach M-F and be a nurse on the weekends. hehehe.

Monday, July 19, 2010

>Some Bulleted Updates!!

>We havent blogged as much lately, but here's what is going on!!

  • We moved into a house, 2 bedrooms/1 bathroom. It has a huge yard for the dogs to run in. house was built in 1935 and has been updated but still have old character. The a/c in our house is amazing... nothing like the apt we had. In our apt, we kept a/c on 63-65 because it was always sooooo hot!! I think the a/c unit needed to be serviced but they were too lazy to really do anything about it. Plus there werent any trees to help shade the apt from the sun. Well, there a plently of trees to shade our house and we now can keep it on 68-70!! :) We are no longer sweating to death from this GA heat!

  • We attempted to get another chihuahua. He was 10 yrs old and just needed a loving home. He has the same temperment as Kiwi, so they got along great. However, he did not like Mango. He kept trying to attack our little baby. Luckily, our teacher (whom we got him from) said we could bring him back at anytime, as she was originally the rescuer :)

  • I changed my major. Im no longer going to be a nurse. I realized recently that I hate science. And I dred going to classes and I dont care at all about what is being taught. Which is probably a bad thing since I need to be retaining this info for all those damn nursing tests. Now, Im majoring in education. Most likely early childhood, but I want to master in school counseling. I just want to help children and their families. I wanted to be a social worker but I cant handle all that stress and heartache when I want to have my own family. Being a teacher/counselor, I think will give me the schedule to be home with our future kids and have the family life we want. Plus, with Jess being a teacher as well, as schedules will be similar and provide stable enviroments for our kids.

  • In a couple of weeks, will be our 2 year anniversary!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

>Father's Day

This is me with my daddy at Disney World when I was two years old.

He passed when I was 9 from Lung Cancer.

"Leaving flowers on your grave show that I still care. Black roses and Hail Mary's cant bring back whats taken from me. "

Offspring's "Gone Away"

RIP 1945-1995

Father's Day

This is me with my daddy at Disney World when I was two years old.
He passed when I was 9 from Lung Cancer.
"Leaving flowers on your grave show that I still care. Black roses and Hail Mary's cant bring back whats taken from me. "
Offspring's "Gone Away"
RIP 1945-1995

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I hate summer. :) Its too damn hot here in the south. I guess its nice if you have a pool but we don't, so its toooo hot!! Its like 95 everyday!

We are moving into our house (rented, of course!) next Friday!! Were super excited. Its bigger, alot bigger. With a big backyard for the dogs and there isn't a pet fee!! :) And, there's a slim chance we could maybe put a pool up!

We finished spring classes (both with B's in anatomy!! :D ) and were now in our summer classes!

In other news, next month is our 2 year anniversary!! <3

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

>"The One with Stellaluna" :)

>On Tuesday, the cutest lost/stray dog came up to us in our driveway and hasnt left yet. We figured she was lost and had owners because she was so calm and not afraid of us at all. We put her in the car to drive around the neighborhood to see if anyone was looking for her. Unfortunately, no one was looking for "Stella" (as we call her). Our vet told us to get in touch with this lady who owns her own shelter. Her shelter is a no-kill shelter and the pet fee is free. All this lady cares about is finding good homes, which is exactly how we feel. So we met with her and she asked if we could give her 24 hrs to try to get a foster home ready so Stella wouldnt be in the kennel with the loud dogs. We kept her 2 nights and she slept in Kiwi's crate. Luckily, Kiwi is trained so well that all we had to do was put her bedding from her crate on the floor and she still sleeps there. We say "get in your bed" and Kiwi understands that still means the pillow she sleeps on whether its in the crate or not. :D Today, Stella ended up at the shelter anyways, because no foster homes were available. But the lady did say she would just keep her in the office. Stella is such an awesome dog. She is housetrained, crate trained, and leash trained. She didnt bother our dogs and she let our puppy just climb all over her. We wanted to keep her so bad, but in an apt with 2 chihuahuas already, its just too much. In a month, were moving to a house thats alot bigger and has no pet fee. So were thinking about getting her back either to foster or to keep. Somehow, I feel like we let her down and turned our backs on her. Even though we did all we could for her. I guess somehow how taking her to this shelter reminded us of B&A (see post from summer '09 for story).


We have this thing about feeding stray animals and we do it, A LOT!! It started with a black and white cat that we called "Buddy" (were currently in the middle deciding to change the name since we have been informed "Buddy" is actually a girl :)) It took us a while to get Buddy to come up to us while we were outside.. but after leaving bowls of food out every few days, she has definately learned to like us. :) We put a box (turned on the side) outside by our door with a towel in it, so when it rains Buddy will have a dry & comfy place to lay down. The box layed on the porch for about a month or so never used. Last week, Buddy made a little home out of it and is in it every night/morning. :) We have discovered another cat eating out of Buddy's dish... so we got another bowl to feed her as well and we pretty sure shes pregnant. Thats not good since shes already a stray but maybe we'll be able to get her and the kittens to this animal shelter here and het them adopted.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

>The One With All The Cleaning .... (And 1 less roommate!!)

>Weve had drama drama drama over the past couple of months. Our situation with our roommate reached an all new level and well, she no longer lives here. After a few yelling matches, 1 extremely dirty bedroom full of trash and evidence un-potty trained pet, 1 filty bathroom with a stopped up tub, and a visit from the local police, we are without a roommate. And we are so Thankful!!!! We treat our fur-babies like real children... So we expect someone living in OUR apt to treat their dog the same. Well at least feed it and take it out on a regualar basis would be fine too. Some people shouldnt be allowed to have pets or kids, ever. But now, all is said and done and we have a new bedroom and bathroom to decorate (all completely stripped and cleaned now!!!)

Aside from all that drama, weve been studying and taking care of the "kids". Kiwi and Mango are quite a hand-full. But we wouldnt trade them for anything in the world. Kiwi, our older chihuahua, enjoys a laid back day with lots of naps in our bed, on the couch, or her bed. Mango, our little one, loooooooooves to be wherever Kiwi is, especially if its in her bed. He loves to run around in her bed (her bed is really big for their size and alot bigger than him!), sleep in her bed, or bring all his toys in there and chew on everything. Kiwi tolerates this behavior from him as long as he stays somewhat still. The moment he starts running or "digging" in her bed, shes out. She comes looking for us as if to say, "Mom!!! That brat is in my bed again!!!" Hahahahaha oh the simple joys of our house.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

>And then there were 4 ;)

We got a new puppy!! His name is Mango!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

>Valentine's Day at Hilton Head Island, SC


Jessica surprised me and took me away to Hilton Head. She planned everything and we left shortly after her basketball game on Saturday. We arrived at the gorgeous Crowne Plaza Resort on Hilton Head Island and omg.. it was perfect. She booked the Ocean Sunrise view room, the view was amazing. She also planned breakfast at the hotel :) My favorite meal is always BREAKFAST. Although, on the ride down it was quite obvious that I was coming down with her cold/pneumonia from last week. (Hopefully I'll just have the cold part!)Anyways, I had a massive headache and was barely hungry. =/ I still hate that I didnt eat much! lol .... But I was determined to have a good day and we did!! We ventured around the town, shopping and taking tons of pictures. We went to the Harbor Town Lighthouse. I think there was 144 steps and my legs HURT nooow. But it was worth it. We decided to skip having a fancy dinner and just shop, so we ate a our favorite burger place "Five Gu.ys" YUMMO!! Nothing made me feel more married to her than being on a romantic night away and us missing our furbaby more than anything. lol Oh! and the looks on the peoples faces at the hotel when they seen us coming/leaving was priceless!

HAHA... While we were shopping the guy employee was offering to help us all through the shoe store. Asking if we found everything ok and making small talk with Jess about where we were from, when I wandered away to look at more shoes ;) To keep us from waiting in line, guy of course opens up his register for us. Poor guy started asking a million questions like what brought us to Hilton Head, where we stayed, what all we had seen in the town... and then.. as if he mustarded up all the courage he could, he said "Im not wrong to assume yall are a couple right?" Yes, Yes we are.
He especially loved when I gave a card to pay, as he asked for I.D, Jess had to show hers. Because Yes I have a card with her name on it... He said "well guess u can sign, I'm sure youre used to signing for her card =)" Yes Sparky I am. :D

Friday, February 12, 2010

>Snow Day =)

>This has been crazy with midterms and studying non-stop!! Last night, my history exam had me so nervous and sick, I didnt think I would survive. I did manage to take the test and actually feel good about it. After the test, I got me some dinner and sat in our bed to relax before diving into hardcore biology study time. Jess was away at a game, that I unfortunately had to miss because of my study history test =/ (but they won!) So I started studying and then it happened. The severe winter storm newscast was shutting schools down left and right for most of GA! Woohoo! Unfortunately, nothing ever happens in our little college town so I assumed everywhere but here would be covered in snow and I would HAVE to take my biology exam. I studied till Jess got home, checked our emails hoping for a cancel notice.. but nope.. no such luck. So we went to sleep.. and prayed for snow!! =)
And... this morning, nothing. No Snow. Jess checked her email again, nothing. So she dressed, put Kiwi in bed with me, and left for class. (She always leaves before me) I layed there, mentally studying my flashcards I had memorized, when IT happened. A text message that said "No Classes Today =)" Woohoo!! I jumped out of bed and sure enough my classes were all cancelled!! YAYYYYY!! I only wished at this point that Jess' school was cancelled too. Although, her school cancelled everything after 12... lame.. because she was done then!! And still nothing.. no snow.. anywhere. Just tv warnings scrolling saying it was coming. I so didnt care because I now have a 4 day weekend (monday is president's day= no school!) Then, around 4pm the snow arrived and covered everything in sight in just a few minutes. Our little town is now a gorgeous snow postcard ;)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

>"The One With The Baby Names!"

>(Posted by Bake)

So I know I don't write blogs on here that often, but this subject is very close to my heart! Since I can remember, I have wanted kids. The same is to be said for my wifey. From the first time we talked to each other online the night we meet, baby names has been a topic of discussion. So after being together almost 2 years, we have came to the agreement of our children's names! So here they are. In the order of which they are born.

1) Preston Christopher (Christopher after her Brother)
2) Aiden Lucas ( Aiden from Sex in the City and Lucas from One Tree Hill)
3) Jordan Kane ( Jordan for her moms married name and Kane after my nephew)

1) Skyler Machelle ( Machelle after my sister and niece)
2) Peyton Elise ( Peyton from One Tree Hill and Elise after her niece)
3) Jesslyn Faith ( Jesslyn....after me)

Here's the funny part about 2 of these names. The very first time we ever talked online and I told her my name, she acted a little shocked like she couldn't believe that my name was in fact Jessica Lynn. When I asked why it was so strange that it was my name she told me that since she was little she always wanted her baby girl to be named Jessicka Lynn. (Yes I know her version has an extra letter in it but still...what irony). So that's where Jesslyn comes from! The second named that has significance to it is Skyler. When she asked me what I wanted my first daughter's name to be I told her Skyler. Again she thought I was joking. But no. I had loved this name ever since I can remember. And of course, so had she. And we even agreed on the spelling!

I know these 2 seemingly random facts about the two of us seem unimportant..But I believe that our conversation that night was the start of the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. And to be honest, I think that night is when I started to fall in love with the woman of my dreams!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

>"The one where they go back to school!"

>Tomorrow, class starts! We (me, Jess, and roomie) are D.R.E.A.D.I.N.G school tomorrow!! Jess and I have thoroughly enjoyed being together everyday with our chi-chi. I dont know how Kiwi is going to react to us leaving her alone! But on the bright side, the sooner we start... the sooner we'll be done!!

Today, we had planned to stay in the house all day, soaking up time together before school..(because that seriously how bad we are dreading tomorrow!!) however, it seems we left more today than ever before. lol We decided to order chinese when we woke up around ..oh.. 1230pm.. :D but their delivery driver was out. so we ended up driving to get it. Then Jessica's car wouldnt start, so we had to go borrow jumper cables, then drive it and get gas.. and then go get candy.. and so on. So much for lazy day in the house. :) We did however manage some time to unlock several objects/courses on Ka.rt Wi.i!!

Guess its time to get books and notebooks together and wash some clothes!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


>I dont know whats been going on lately. All we've been doing the first days of the new year is FIGHT! Weve been fighting about everything.... money, living space, cleaning and so on. We even argued at 6 am yesterday because one of us (Jess! lol), was hot and slinging covers around on the bed. And of course, me being the bitch I am was pissed when she woke me up for the second time.. ahhh so so petty. LOL. We're just going to chalk it up to "HORMONES". Our monthlys are like four days apart so our moods are out of control. We're better now as all loving couples eventually end up being.. However, I believe I got some really bad advice. Someone, a friend, read my status on, and texted me to see if everything was ok. Now my status was simply: " .. is so over 2010.. seems like this will be a year of fighting". HELLO! I was in a bad mood. So this person says to me-- "Why dont yall just break up?! All yall do is fight!!" W.T.F. First of all, everyone argues. We live together and spend almost every waking moment together. Which on a normal day is fine cuz we also BFF. Id rather hang out with her than anyone else and vice versa. Of course, were gonna drive each other crazy. Right now, we dont even have school so were only apart when she goes to practice (2 hrs a day). I was just like "Are you f***ing kidding me?!" Anyways....

On Monday, we go back to school. BLAAAHHHH!! Which were both dreading. Jess never wants to start school so this is normal for her, but Im always ready to go back so I can get it over with. I dont know why this quarter is so different. Maybe its the time of year... its cold! And I love it being cold as long as Im snug in the bed with my love and my chi chi. =)

ahhh school = 4 days.