Aside from all that drama, weve been studying and taking care of the "kids". Kiwi and Mango are quite a hand-full. But we wouldnt trade them for anything in the world. Kiwi, our older chihuahua, enjoys a laid back day with lots of naps in our bed, on the couch, or her bed. Mango, our little one, loooooooooves to be wherever Kiwi is, especially if its in her bed. He loves to run around in her bed (her bed is really big for their size and alot bigger than him!), sleep in her bed, or bring all his toys in there and chew on everything. Kiwi tolerates this behavior from him as long as he stays somewhat still. The moment he starts running or "digging" in her bed, shes out. She comes looking for us as if to say, "Mom!!! That brat is in my bed again!!!" Hahahahaha oh the simple joys of our house.

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