Monday, September 27, 2010

>TV Junkie

We looove reality tv. We love the shows about big families.. good thing too, because these days almost every show is about multiples and cupcakes! :) That being said, we have a new favorite.

We love this new show Sister Wives. Im very fascinated by polygamy. Not the controlling, marrying child brides kind, but the ones like this show features. I like the way they function as a whole family, treating everyone like their own. What I really like about this family is 2 of the wives wanted plural marriage even without him. It wasnt something they settled for just to be with him. They wanted sister wives as much as they wanted him. One of them even jokes that at times in her life she may have wanted the sister wives more. haha.
This show seemed to raise alot of concern for other viewers as they didnt see it as a moral or suitable show to be aired on TL.C. Oddly enough TL.C stands for the learning channel. So I would think we are supposed to learn from this show. It may not be the way most people want to raise their children or even marry into. But whether or not you like it, it is what it is. The fact is, some people do live like this and function day to day. People always judge what they dont understand. I dont judge this kind of thing, because its not my place to judge. They are living their lives and raising children to believe in themselves and think for themselves. The way they live isnt hurting anyone, and its not up to anyone to say whether its right or wrong. Anyways, I like the show alot. Christine is my favorite, I think. Shes the domestic one that takes care of the house and kids. I like that :)
We like the show, although we dont believe in it for ourselves. We are strictly monogamous.
More TV blogs to come!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

>Where I was the day the world stopped turning 9-11-2001

On September 11th, 2001, I was in 10th grade in Spanish. I remember teachers coming to the door to tell our teacher what had happened. She checked emails and told us to read to ourselves for a while. We knew it must have been something terrible because everyone in the school was quiet. No one moved. No one spoke. We were finally allowed to change classes and I went to geometry. My geometry teacher was a Christian man, and he cried and prayed all during class. We didn't understand exactly how serious this was at the time. He told if we never remember anything we learned in high school to remember that day and to pay attention as this was history in the making. Our principal made the announcement that "America was under Attack". I was so scared that day, all I wanted was to go home and be with my mom. My mom was working that day and she kept telling everything would be ok and that she would be home soon. But with so many rumors flying around, no one knew exactly what would happened. I grew up relatively close to Atlanta, and out biggest concern was that the Center for Disease Control would be hit next. I watched the news all day. I was actually watching live when the second plane hit the Twin Towers and watched as the crumbled to the ground. We learned that the Pentagon had also been hit and a plane had crashed in a Pennsylvania field. I will Never Forget the horror of that day. I will always remember the courage of all those men and women had that risked their lives that day to save others.

Remember September 11th, 2001

The World Trade Centers, The Pentagon, And Flight 93

Thursday, September 9, 2010

>Happy Birthday Baby!! (9-8-10)

>Yesterday was Jess' 22nd birthday!! I had to work most the day yesterday but we did go out to eat last night. Random story while I was working though: This elderly lady came through my line with a cake for her husband that read "Bake Happy 85th Birthday!!" How awesome is that.. a man also called Bake was celebrating his 85th birthday the same day my Bake was celebrating her 22nd. :) Tooo Cute!!

I hope she had the best birthday ever even though we didnt do much as I was working and she was exhausted from basketball. :)

I love you more than anything else in this world!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

>After the Beach. New Place. New Job.

>We loved the beach. Although it was cloudy most the weekend, we loved being on the beach for the first time together. We played in the ocean a little bit but mostly swam in the pool because the waves were too rough. We had airbrushed tshirts made that say Shell & Bake! And we had the dogs shirts made too!! The night we got back home, my car was broke into :( my portable dvd player & mp3 player was stolen. They didnt take my gps though... thank God for that. And our front door lock was broke. The landlord said he wouold try to get to it in the next week. Plus, the floor boards in the bedroom has been coming straight up in the bedroom... so needless to say.. we moved out. We were terrified to stay in that house and Jess hating leaving me there alone. We decided that sleeping with a baseball bat next to our bed was not worth $600/month. So we moved. And I LOVE THE NEW PLACE AND FEEL SAFE NOW!!!

I started working this week. Feels almost just like it did 2 years ago when I quit. I hate being the new girl though.. people just stare at me. Uh yes im new. thanks for staring. :) Best thing is Im starting back in the customer service position I left in.... pays good too!! :) I hate being away from Jess though. Our schedules are clashing and were missing each other. Guess thats real life... weve been spoiled for 2 years almost always being together.

Its Tuesday.. And our Tuesdays suck.

Missing my love.