Last Friday night I graduated with my Associates Degree in Science. In the fall, I will begin working on my Bachelors degree in Health Services Adminstration, which I absolutely can not wait for!!
Not much has happened recently.. but here are some facts.
I am graduating with my associates degree in pre-nursing this Friday night! :)
I was accepted into both the HIM and HSA programs, which I am super excited about. Ultimately I am choosing the HSA program. I cant wait for FALL.
I got all A's this past quarter, which makes my gpa a little higher which is always better for nursing school.
Jess and I are both off work for the next 5 days for a little graduation celebration weekend. Plus my mom is coming down for a few days.
We had a lovely day yesterday at a water park. We spent the whole day just me & her with NO PHONES! It was awesome :)
The next few days, I plan on cleaning, graduating, and finding a pool to relax by. Being at the water park spoiled me yesterday and now I NEED to lay out by some water.