We have this thing about feeding stray animals and we do it, A LOT!! It started with a black and white cat that we called "Buddy" (were currently in the middle deciding to change the name since we have been informed "Buddy" is actually a girl :)) It took us a while to get Buddy to come up to us while we were outside.. but after leaving bowls of food out every few days, she has definately learned to like us. :) We put a box (turned on the side) outside by our door with a towel in it, so when it rains Buddy will have a dry & comfy place to lay down. The box layed on the porch for about a month or so never used. Last week, Buddy made a little home out of it and is in it every night/morning. :) We have discovered another cat eating out of Buddy's dish... so we got another bowl to feed her as well and we pretty sure shes pregnant. Thats not good since shes already a stray but maybe we'll be able to get her and the kittens to this animal shelter here and het them adopted.
