All over the country hearts were broken yesterday, when the verdict in the Casey Anthony trial was revealed. Although we dont understand why these things happen, we still have to believe that He has a plan and knows what He is doing.

Rest In Peace Sweet Angel.
You are safe in His arms and will never feel pain again.
You will not be forgotten.
**Updated with poem from Facebook**
RIP Caylee: With duct tape & bags you threw me away, what more is there really left to say? Alone in the woods is where I was kept, for six long months & you STILL haven't wept. "Bella Vita" that's what your tattoo said, not a care in the world, while I lay dead. Every night Jesus rocks me to sleep and makes a promise I know He'll keep, "Don't worry, everything will be fine, for in the end vengeance shall be mine" ♥
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