I opened and started screaming to Jess... "IT SAYS CONGRATULATIONS! IT SAYS CONGRATULATIONS!!" She stared at me all confused and started smiling "what?!?" I said I GOT IN! I GOT IN!! So there you have it... I have been accepted into the nursing program!! :)
And since that day... It has been a whirlwind of things to do to prepare for the program in January 2012.
First, I had to tell my store manager that I could no longer be full-time in January because of my acceptance. He asked me if I was completely sure this is what I wanted to do (haha DUH! I busted my ass for this moment!) and he said he was happy for me but this would hurt the office.. (3 of our 4 full timers are leaving in Jan.) but he understood.
When I received the letter, I had just a few days to reserve my seat in the program by paying $100 toward my tuition. I was worried if I mailed it would of course be lost and I would be immediately drove it all the way to school.. 1 hour and 15 min away... to hand deliver it. Last Friday, I had Part 1 of orientation for the program. I was informed all the expenses that would be due over the next few weeks, including criminal background check, immunizations shot records, hepatitis shots, flu shot, physical, uniforms to order, shoes to buy, medical equipment to get, CPR certification class to attend.. and the list goes on and on...
In a few weeks, I have part 2 of orientation. This should be more information on class times and clinical sites. I'm super excited and feel like this is the beginning of the rest of my life :)
I leave you with these fun pics..

Happy Monday!
Congratulations!!! So exciting!