So the first hour of this meeting was letting us know just how much our lives were about to change. AND more importantly how much our "significant other's" lives were about to change as well. People have been telling me lately to kiss my life goodbye... because for the next two years, nursing school would own me. Well that seems to be the truth. They explained to us how to make sure our families and friends understand everything that is about to happen. They informed us that we made it to our goal of getting in the program and everything we all had worked for was here. And now everything else must come second. They showed us a full PowerPoint on how to help our families understand and adapt to these changes. They addressed a few "support" people in the room that came with students, husbands/parents. I wished Jess had been there to hear all this first hand, so she will understand why she has to pick up all the slack and clean the house more. (Our biggest issue is cleaning! ;) ) I keep asking her if she is ready for this because this will affect her too... A LOT! She says yes and they we will be fine. I'm sure we will be, I just wanted to make sure to have the conversations that the instructors told us to have with our families.
The second hour we discussed nursing professionalism including we have to wear at clinical and standards to abide by. We discussed jewelry we can wear, and found out my earrings, my cartilage that I have had since I was 13 :( and my tragus which I love. :( Im super sad about this but I guess I will deal. Small price to pay.
I planned to my Christmas break enjoying life and being very lazy. I wanted to watch all my new dvds from (Black Friday!) and play our new Wii and Wii games.. (More on that later!) BUT... we have 8 chapters of reading to do before classes start in January. That sucks! I wanted to enjoy doing nothing for a few weeks before I give my life to nursing school.
The instructors kept asking us "Are you sure you still wanna be a nurse?!"
Yep. I'm sure! :)
[caption id="attachment_667" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Excited to get my scrubs in!"]

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