Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Introducing Wedding Wednesday!!

 We originally wanted to have our wedding after I get out of nursing school, but I dont graduate until December 2013. By the next summer I would 28. I dont want to wait that long. So we thought we would have it October 2013 during my last semester, but Im thinking the last semester will be too difficult to be worrying about a wedding. The we decided Summer 2013. I dont have classes during the summer so that will be a perfect time. The only thing is IT WILL BE HOTTER THAN HELL. Seriously. Georgia is HOT in the summer. & we all know how much I hate the heat. However, our 5 year anniversary will be July 27, 2013. How perfect would a wedding be on our actual anniversary??

<3 Perfect.

 Forget the heat and that it may mess up my hair. Who cares?! It will be perfect. :)

So we are in the beginning stages of planning our wedding & I'm loving it! Its pretty much all I talk about these days. I cant help it. I have dreamed about this day my whole life. We have pretty much planned everything... now just to get things in motion. Oh yea... and pay for it all ;)

We think we have a budget we can afford and hopefully manage to pay for ourselves. Idk exactly how we will pull this off since we are both college students (Jess is hoping to go back in the fall for radiology!)  but we will try!!

This is whats going on:

The date is set.

The venue is narrowed down between two places.

The food is being discussed.

The style of the dresses (yes, Jess will be in a dress too!) have been chosen.

The colors are set. Red, black, & white.

The bouquets are set.

The details of how the wedding/reception will flow are in progress.

Thank God for my Bestie whom is helping plan from 4 hours away & FB, Pinterest, and texting make it so much easier!! I seriously dont know what I would do without her. I sent her a fb message with account logins and passwords to get her opinions on what she liked or how we could use it.

Thats a true BFF.
Actually get out pen & paper to make notes.

All suggestions, thoughts, and ideas are greatly appreciated!! :)

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