Monday, July 2, 2012

Diet with My Fitness Pal

Yep.. were on diets err I mean eating a little healthier. We are taking our engagements pictures in September & I would like to lose some pounds by then. We downloaded the My Fitness Pal app for our iPhones and we love it. It lets us scan the barcodes of the food we eat and it calculates the calories for you. Its so simple & easy to use. Plus it forces you to pay attention & read labels and realize how much crap is in what you eat. Right now because its so freakin hot in GA we do NOT cook. No oven will be turned on in the apartment! So we are stuck eating sandwichs on Bagel thins (which are yummy!) or Lean Cuisine. I have never been one to jump on a fad diet. I have always been a little "thick" if you will. Not huge, but not tiny either. & Im ok with it. Until summer. I hate bathing suits.. because even though my body is not horrible, I still like to keep the belly covered & for some reason even the Big Girl bathing suits run extremely small and cut off right at the belly! Wtf. Who designs this crap?! I like being curvy and having hips. I'd like bigger boobs but what can you do?! ;)

I started kinda watching what I ate over the last few months. But with the stress of school I couldnt even think about eating differently. But on May 1st... I started attempting to eat differetly. Plus I went back to work (usually when my weight goes up & down 10 lbs.) and started losing weight. Last Sunday, we really started focusing on staying within the calories we are allowed. Since May 1- Ive lost 13 pounds. Jess just started last week but has lost 3 pounds!! Yay! Doing Great!! :)

My Fitness Pal app

The plan is to stick pretty close to this diet until the wedding...

Fingers Crossed!!


1 comment:

  1. It will be easier since you guys are doing together so you will be fine silly.
